New limited edition Sixties SURFER! souvenir shirts on sale

A limited run of unique t-shirts have been created by our friends at Cornish clothing company Finisterre to commemorate this year’s exhibition – Sixties SURFER!

Now on sale in the shop at the Museum of British Surfing, they feature an image by the late Doug Wilson showing Australian Pete Russell taking the first breathtaking slide at Newquay’s famous Cribbar big wave spot back in 1966. Just 50 of the shirts have been made, so they’re a true collector’s item!

You can see a photo gallery of the shirts below.

The organic shirts come in an oatmeal colour and have the exhibition’s Sixties SURFER! logo on the right sleeve, and the museum’s iconic Union Jack wave logo on the left sleeve. They are £20 each, with ALL proceeds going to the Museum of British Surfing registered charity – you can buy them online here through our eBay page.

Talking about the photograph in his 1994 book ‘You should have been here yesterday’, Doug said: “It was an incredible sight. The Cribbar was really working with rights and lefts breaking. The small crew who were out that day sat and watched for a while as these monsters charges in. Then one by one they took off.” The last remaining new-old-stock copies of Doug’s book that he wrote with the late Rod Holmes are also available in the museum shop.

The new Sixties SURFER! limited edition t-shirts are available in small, medium, large and extra large sizes.

“We’re delighted to work with partners like Finisterre, who are leading the way in creating sustainable clothing here in the UK,” said museum founder Peter Robinson. “Donating these special limited edition shirts for us to sell to raise funds for the museum is a huge boost to our small surfing charity and we’re really grateful for their support.”