If you’re in North Devon for the school half term holiday this February, we have a host of family friendly things to do at the Museum of British Surfing in Braunton that will get you stoked & take your mind off the winter blues!
First up is the last chance to see our fantastic exhibition about how surfing swept Britain in a wave of excitement in the 1960s – Sixties SURFER! Plus we’re launching our new pricing for 2014, with all children aged 16 and under now free of charge when accompanied by an adult. We’re open 11am to 3pm from Saturday February 15th to Saturday February 22nd.
As if that wasn’t enough, get that warm summer glow and banish thoughts of gales & floods as we host two special 50th anniversary screenings of the world’s most famous surf movie, The Endless Summer! Bruce Brown has sent over a special thank you message for these charity film nights at Croyde Village Hall with the world famous Deckchair Cinema on February 15th & 18th at 8pm. Yes, you really can pull up a deckchair & enjoy the search for the perfect wave!
For the first time, we’re playing host to Ivan’s Coffee, in his wonderful 1960s splitscreen VW van (see the main photo). Ivan will be parked up outside the Museum of British Surfing from 10am to 4pm on Saturday February 15th, and weather permitting possibly a couple of other days of the holiday week. Proceeds from sales of coffee & cakes will help us continue our work celebrating UK surf culture.
Plus we’ve got a sale on in our gift shop at the surfing museum. Our unique bellyboard mugs are now just £6 each (RRP £9) or four for £20, Sixties SURFER exhibition posters are now only £1 each of £2 for a set of three. What more could you want after such a challenging start to 2014!
At the end of half term we close & refit for our all new exhibition, ‘The First Wave – surfers & their stories‘, which launches on April 5th. It tells the story of British surfing by those who were there, with some wonderful interactive touch-screen displays & new films – and of course some stunning vintage surfboards and memorabilia.